The End
Hey all.
Thanks for being with me all these years. I've really enjoyed creating this blog. But, all good things come to an end. I haven't had the time or drive to update for a long time. So, I'll be mothballing the site. I'll leave all the blog's content up for the foreseeable future, but will be setting it to an archived state.
I'm still driving a RHD at the time of writing, with no intention of stopping.
Right hand drive Classifieds now available on!
I'm excited to introduce a new feature available on the site.... classifieds!
I know what you're thinking: "It's been done, and I don't want to post my car again in another place." Well, you're not posting it again. We're doing classifieds a little differently than other sites.
The way you post classifieds here is different: You give us a link to your Craigslist or Kijiji ad. When that ad goes away (presumably when you sell your car) the ad goes away on this site too. So, with minimal effort, you can get more traffic to your classified ad, and don't have to worry about managing your ad on another site.
How's it work? Well. You give us your link via a simple web form, and it appears on the classifieds page of this site. Users will be able to view your classified ad you posted on Kijiji or Craigslist, with the images and text your put on your ad on Kijiji or Craigslist. When you close your ad, classifieds will detect you've closed it and it will be removed from this site. Minimal work, lots of gain.
Check it out now at classifieds!
Downtime – should be fixed now
Hello all,
I did a server upgrade on Monday (today... errr, now that's yesterday) and it took a little long than anticipated. Apologies for those who were pining to read this site.
Now, for the more fun news. I'm in the market for a new car. I want a 2 Door Pajero TD or a Nissan GTiR... I know they're really different, but they do have on thing in common... both turbo AWDs. I want something neat and functional for Manitoba at the same time.
If you've got some gems of advice or one of these vehicles for sale... drop me a comment!
Website update schedule
Hi all,
Looks like the next four months are going to be pretty busy for me. So, I'm going to back down to posting new blog posts once every two weeks. If news is breaking, I'll try to get it up as soon as possible - breaking my own schedule.
I already have one lined up for next week, so you can look forward to that. And a really funny one two weeks after that. If you're in dire need of more reading, be sure to check out the archives. There's some pretty good nuggets back there.
If you'd like to post something, or even become a regular poster, get in contact with me.
Call for Contributors
Greetings all.
The site is now officially up in it's primordial form. There's still a lot of work to be done, and I can't do it all on my own. I've made a short list of what I need on the Welcome page of the site, but that is far from the only stuff that I need.
- Information on how to import from Japan.
- Information on regulations on right hand drive vehicles (ie. the 15 year rule).
- People willing to volunteer their time and energy to make this site better
- Someone well connected in each province as a contact.
- Someone willing to donate their time to make graphics for the website. This is not my gift. Oh my.
- Sponsors! The usual 'money for advertising' gig. Contact me and we'll talk.
- Suggestions! I'd like to eventually put up a gallery of Right hand drive vehicles owned by people who visit the site. Maybe some kind of ranking system. We'll see.
- Answers to questions! I'd like to add a FAQ section to the website that answers questions that most of us had to work our way through.
As you can see, there's a lot of work to be done. But, I think we'll do just fine. The plan is to be largely ad funded. So visit often. Especially after I put up the ads!
If you do want to volunteer, just contact me.
The chances are high that you've looked back in the posts so far that you've found this one. In which case, you've found the end of your quest.
Since first posts are always awkward and quite often funny to look back at, I'm just going to end it.