JDM CRX Walkaround
Most of you know I really like Regular Car Reviews on Youtube. They did a US-spec CRX earlier this week, and today did a "POV" video of a JDM version.
So, their POV videos are not full-blown reviews. Just driving and discussion with the owner. This owner seems to know his stuff, and I think it's a pretty good introduction to the CRX.
RHD in the states – reactions
To followers of Jalopnik, this will be old news, but it's still a fun story. Doug DeMuro, a writer for Jalopnik (or, I guess Kinja in general) bought an R32 GT-R. He lives in the states, so this is still a really big deal.
Waiver - I sometime like, and sometimes hate the same video. He's got a bit of a grating personality/sense of humour.
Anyway! He's really excited to have his GT-R and is documenting his story very well. It's funny, he keeps saying it's hard to get used to/drive. Now, I may be jaded since I've done this for years, but.... no... it's not hard. There is a give-and-take, and left turns across traffic can be tricky, but you also get other perks.
I hope you enjoy!
The classic RHD through a drive through. The server is REALLY REALLY funny - worth a watch for just that. I remember this shameless glee of having an RHD, and he really nailed that exuberance in this video.
This is probably my favourite - Reactions to the GT-R on the street. When I used to drive my Red Daihatsu Hijet, I got this all the time.