RightHandDrive.ca/blog Canadian Right Hand Drive News and Thoughts


Got something to say?

Say it here!

I've become super busy, and don't have time to entertain everyone on my own any more. I'll hopefully be getting a gloriously quirky car soon, and hopefully that will be a source of talk. But for now, I'll do my best effort here, as always... but would love to post your stories too.

Things you can (should!) submit:

  1. I'd love to start a 'my import story' category. Tell us your story! Why that make? Why now? Did it go smoothly? Who did you use? Any surprises?
  2. My troubles with the law. We're on the ragged edge of the law in some regards. Any problems? I'll probably have to strongly edit these.
  3. Your import dreams. What do you want? Is there something uncommon that you want that no one else has heard of before?

I'm ok with re-posting your forum posts (provided they are, indeed, yours), as some people have already documented their story in some places.

To submit: email robg@righthanddrive.ca - I'm listening!

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