Got something to say?
Say it here!
I've become super busy, and don't have time to entertain everyone on my own any more. I'll hopefully be getting a gloriously quirky car soon, and hopefully that will be a source of talk. But for now, I'll do my best effort here, as always... but would love to post your stories too.
Things you can (should!) submit:
- I'd love to start a 'my import story' category. Tell us your story! Why that make? Why now? Did it go smoothly? Who did you use? Any surprises?
- My troubles with the law. We're on the ragged edge of the law in some regards. Any problems? I'll probably have to strongly edit these.
- Your import dreams. What do you want? Is there something uncommon that you want that no one else has heard of before?
I'm ok with re-posting your forum posts (provided they are, indeed, yours), as some people have already documented their story in some places.
To submit: email robg@righthanddrive.ca - I'm listening!