So, the Scoob is gone! I'm currently a poser, without a right hand drive car... running a right hand drive car website.
That aside... this is the next dream!

2.8L Pajero SWB
So, that's a Mitsubishi Pajero... with the 2.8L turbo diesel engine, and ideally a spoiler. I want the SWB (short wheel base... 2 door not 4 door) because I think it's awesome! Nothing like this has ever been sold in Canada. If you want a diesel engine you either get a GIGANTIC mall crawler, or a VW. I have deep love for VWs, but don't want a car right now.
I've already bid on this one:
I've named it Jesus (pronounced 'hey zeus')... Mexican Jesus. I didn't get it because of technical difficulties... my auction agent couldn't get on the server, and they wouldn't take bids any other way. Super lame. It didn't hit reserve, so it didn't sell... so it might be back (in 3 days?!?!?!), at which time, I'll bid on it again!
So... the auction and import fun start all over again. I'm excited!
October 8th, 2012 - 14:34
Hey Robert. I’m also from Winnipeg and am interested in importing a Pajero. Just curious who you’re using to import your car? Is it someone local?
October 8th, 2012 - 16:30
I’ve used Mark at Brave Auto international. (http://www.braveautointernational.jp/) He’s AWESOME. Honest, knows the auctions, cars and what to watch out for. But, he’s maybe not the cheapest auction (insert long debate here…), but definitely the safest. I imported myself, and with Mark, it’s pretty easy… check out my import story (http://righthanddrive.ca/blog/tag/my-import-story/).