So, the Scoob is gone! I'm currently a poser, without a right hand drive car... running a right hand drive car website.
That aside... this is the next dream!
So, that's a Mitsubishi Pajero... with the 2.8L turbo diesel engine, and ideally a spoiler. I want the SWB (short wheel base... 2 door not 4 door) because I think it's awesome! Nothing like this has ever been sold in Canada. If you want a diesel engine you either get a GIGANTIC mall crawler, or a VW. I have deep love for VWs, but don't want a car right now.
I've already bid on this one:
I've named it Jesus (pronounced 'hey zeus')... Mexican Jesus. I didn't get it because of technical difficulties... my auction agent couldn't get on the server, and they wouldn't take bids any other way. Super lame. It didn't hit reserve, so it didn't sell... so it might be back (in 3 days?!?!?!), at which time, I'll bid on it again!
So... the auction and import fun start all over again. I'm excited!
Manitoba update!
MPI is accepting JIS non-headlight lighting! This is a big step forward to us.
E-code lighting is partially accepted now, too. They're being picky about a point I'm not totally clear on... I'm still trying to work that out.
This has been a long time coming, and is still unofficial. By the sounds of it, JIS non-headlight lighting will be accepted in the next edition of their safety standards... so they're allowing the lights on the road with that in mind.
This is not a win of the war, but definitely a win of the battle.
And, why have I been so quiet lately? Well, I just added 3 more letters behind my name this month... so I've been busy doing bureaucratic nonsense.
I'll try to kick it up a notch now that I'm done that....
Rob Guderian, M.Sc.