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My Import Story, Part 6

Apparently this turned into a huge series. This is the last chapter.

Enjoy the drive!

Getting your car home!

So, you've bought a car, shipped it, picked it up, and now you need to get it home. A few ways to do this. There are car carriers, but they tend to hate JDMs. Too bad. The fact they ship with no gas and usually have dead batteries when they get here doesn't help.

But, what most people do: have a great excuse for a road trip.

I only have one piece of advice for this part of the import process: In bold, and all caps. KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE OIL TEMPERATURE. I've heard of a few cars that have died 100km from their final destination. Due diligence would be to check your oil every time you fill up the tank, a good idea but a bit of overkill.

Getting your car insured

BC and Alberta require an OOP - Out of Province inspection. Other province might, but I don't know about that. Manitoba I do know about. Just a regular safety inspection will do. Your problem will be getting someone to look at your car, but that's a whole story on it's own. Compliance is also another story. Once day....

Paperwork you will need once you have your inspection completed:

  • Something that says how much you paid for the car, so you can be taxed on it (again)
  • Transfer of ownership documents with the address of the previous owner
  • Deregistration from Japan
  • Translated deregistration from Japan
  • Your Form 1 from Transport Canada (saying it's been imported properly)
  • Your completed safety

And that's really it. You're plated and ready to go! Congratulations.

Now this all sounds like quite a lot... but it's not. And it's worth it.

Next time: A summary, followed by a quiz.

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